Flight attendant reveals aircraft secrets

Gepubliceerd op 29 oktober 2023 om 10:23

Eager to learn more about airplanes? In this blog, a flight attendant reveals some secrets from inside the airplane cabin. Ready to find out? Here are 4 remarkable facts listed:

Limited oxygen masks

cabine vliegtuig

When the cabin pressure drops and the plane is flying above 14,000 feet (± 4 km), oxygen masks drop down automatically from the panels above passengers' heads. Above each row segment, for example, seats 1A, B, and C (the three seats next to each other), there are four oxygen masks installed.

A fourth one is provided in case there's a baby sitting on someone's lap. Consequently, two babies are not allowed in the same row segment for that particular reason. 

Once someone gives a slight tug to any of those four oxygen masks, the airflow for the entire segment will be activated and oxygen is supplied for only about fifteen minutes. Why only 15 minutes of oxygen? Within that time, the pilot can descend the aircraft to a lower altitude where no additional oxygen is required and you can breathe without an oxygen mask.

Dining in the cockpit

Lege stoelen in het vliegtuig

Pilots and copilots are not allowed to eat the same meals during a flight. If one meal were to be infected, only one of the two pilots would be affected by food poisoning.

By serving different airplane meals to the crew, the risk of both pilots falling ill simultaneously is reduced. In aviation, safety is paramount.

Separating airplane meals for pilots and copilots is an important safety measure that ensures there is always a capable flyer on board.

Hidden toilet button

The airplane toilet can be used by everyone. However, there are passengers who don't have the intention of calmly using the restroom for its main purpose on the airplane.

For instance, there are passengers who smoke in the toilet or children who accidentally lock themselves in. To prevent children from breaking the door handle, we can unlock the door from the outside.

If I suspect a passenger is secretly smoking a cigarette in the lavatory, I will not hesitate to unlock the toilet door and open it. Sssht, don't tell it anyone, but you can lift the silver plate (see picture) and change the lock status. This feature is simply a precaution during the flight.

The door will not be opened unnecessarily. Additionally, we always lock the toilets during take-off and landing, the times when passengers are not allowed to use the airplane restrooms.

Window shades

Toilet in het vliegtuig

In modern airplanes, you'll find fewer and fewer traditional window shades that darken the window. Nowadays, passengers can dim the windows in the plane with a simple push on a button.

The window changes from completely clear to entirely dark. This dimming technology gives the crew more control over the cabin's lighting. Moreover, it also reduces weight as dozens of sliding window shades become unnecessary. 

You might wonder why the window shades need to be open during take-off and landing. These two moments are the most critical phases of the flight. By keeping the shades open, your eyes are getting used to the outside light conditions in case something goes wrong.

Additionally, you are also an extra set of eyes for the pilot, in case something unexpected happens with the engines, for example.

By: Rico Valkenborgh | October 29, 2023





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