How anti-icing and de-icing save planes in winter

Gepubliceerd op 26 oktober 2023 om 20:38
de-icing plane

The winter months represent not only cozy snow fun but also challenges for the aviation industry. When the temperature drops below zero degrees Celsius and airplanes have to navigate in winter conditions, potential dangers with devastating consequences arise.

But what is this major danger and how could these accidents happen? I'll explain it to you:

Icing on the wings

When an airplane needs to navigate through moist air, there's no problem, but when the temperature drops below zero degrees Celsius, these small water droplets in the air can transform into ice crystals.

When these freezing water droplets come into contact with the airplane's surface, it brings about various consequences. Ice forms on the wings, tail, and other parts of the aircraft.

Why is icing dangerous?

Firstly, a layer of ice on the aircraft's surface significantly increases its weight. Additionally, icing on the wings can lead to three major problems:

  • Reduced lift:
    The airflow can be seriously disrupted by the layer of ice on the wings, which means the aircraft will have to exert extra effort to remain airborne.
Iced wings airplane
  • Increased drag:
    The layer of ice on the wing also increases air resistance. Moreover, the ice layer adds extra weight, reducing the efficiency of the aircraft, resulting in higher fuel consumption.
snow on wings
  • Altered functionality:
    Important aircraft components such as: the elevators, flaps, spoilers, rudder, slats and ailerons to control the plane may respond poorly due to icing, making the aircraft basically uncontrollable.
Airplane map

Anti-icing and de-icing

To prevent and tackle these effects, terms like de-icing and anti-icing exist. What do they mean? Firstly, there's de-icing. During this process, ice that has already formed on the aircraft's surface is removed. Special de-icing fluids sprayed onto the aircraft's surface melt the ice and the melted water then drains away.

Secondly, there's anti-icing. During this process, a protective coating is sprayed onto the aircraft's surface to prevent ice formation. After this process, there is a "holdover time", which is the time for which the product prevents ice formation on the sprayed surfaces.

If the aircraft doesn't take off in time after anti-icing, this process may need to be repeated. These two processes can often take some time, which may result in a delayed departure.

Have we learned our lesson?

These harsh winter conditions have already caused the following plane crashes in the past:

  1. 68 fatalities - American Eagle flight 4184
  2. 24 fatalities - Air Ontario flight 1363
  3. 27 fatalities - USAir flight 405
  4. 37 fatalities - Aero transporti Italiani flight 460

Unfortunately, in the past, icing on the aircraft's surface was not taken as seriously as it is now. All four tragic accidents listed at the beginning of this explanation occurred around the 90’s.

These incidents led to a series of improvements in safety procedures and aviation regulations. Rules for ice control, especially de-icing and anti-icing procedures, were significantly tightened.

In addition, pilots and ground personnel now receive more extensive training in recognizing ice formation. Finally, the development of more efficient fluids for ice removal and prevention has helped the aviation industry operate more safely in winter weather.



If you have booked a flight during freezing weather next time, know that when you look out of your airplane window and it seems the wings are being sprayed by firefighters, the ground personnel is likely performing a crucial process to ensure a safe flight.

See you soon!

By: Rico Valkenborgh | October 26, 2023


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