Doesn't the environment pay too much for cheap plane tickets?

Gepubliceerd op 30 november 2023 om 09:29
Plane pollution

In a world where climate change and sustainability are becoming increasingly important, it cannot be denied that air travel is often presented as incredibly cheap.

The cost may be low for us, but it comes at a much higher environmental price. Can the planet keep this system running?

The paradox of cheap airfare

Cheap plane tickets often seem like an attractive deal for travelers, but the environmental cost is high. On average, for every liter of kerosene burned, approximately 2.5 kilograms of CO2 are released.

During this combustion, other substances are also emitted, such as nitrogen oxides, soot, and other pollutants, all contributing to climate change. Shouldn't we consider traveling to places like Spain or Italy by car instead?


For instance, if you travel alone from Amsterdam to Madrid by car, you would produce 390 kg of CO2. If you do the same trip by plane, it's only 254 kg of CO2.

Unfortunately, you would also be responsible for the emissions of many other greenhouse gases. To put this plane journey into perspective with daily life, your emissions during the flight are equivalent to four months of commuting to work in an average car.

plane engine

The future of air travel

Truly sustainable flying for the general public is not quite a reality yet, but it's under way.


  • Biofuel: Instead of using kerosene to power engines, biofuels made from renewable sources like vegetable oils, cooking oil, algae, etc., are an option. While the combustion of these fuels doesn't eliminate CO2, it significantly reduces it.


  • Government policies: Some governments impose heavier taxes on more polluting aircraft than on cleaner ones. Thanks to such policies, governments encourage airlines to invest in environmentally friendly aircraft.


  • Hydrogen-powered aircraft: I personally can't wait for the first hydrogen-powered plane. This concept may or may not take off, but these currently futuristic aircraft do not emit CO2, which would be a groundbreaking development for an emission-free aviation industry.


  • Electric aircraft: The race to introduce electric aircraft into commercial aviation is already underway. Pioneering countries like Sweden and Denmark are announcing the first battery-powered planes by 2030. The breakthrough of lightweight and powerful batteries could speed up this transition.


  • Pilot behavior: Finally, pilot behavior can also contribute to reduced emissions. Planning more efficient flight routes and minimizing engine idling during taxiing can optimize fuel efficiency.

But why are airplane tickets sometimes so cheap?

Flying to Spain for €12 sounds like a great deal. But how is that possible? The aviation industry doesn't pay VAT on plane tickets and doesn't have to pay taxes on kerosene (although changes are on the horizon).

Plane Ryanair

There is a small aviation tax added to the ticket price, but it doesn't make a significant difference. Additionally, many airlines receive subsidization. To conclude, there's fierce competition in the industry, which causes ticket prices to plummet based on fluctuations of supply and demand on the market.

CO2 offset

Various airlines offer the option to pay an extra amount to offset the CO2 emissions from your flight. This money is then used for projects such as tree planting or investments in windmill parks.


The aviation industry is doing everything it can to rapidly be greener and more sustainable. If you discover an electric plane in the near future, take a moment to reflect on the time when that was still just a big dream.

Enjoy your flight!

By: Rico Valkenborgh | November 30, 2023







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