Tap, listen and fly with us! 🎧
Happy listening!
Episode 1

"What if something happens during my flight?" A question we’ve all asked ourselves at some point. In this episode, James and Sky discuss this topic and share some tips you'll better remember.
Want to read our tips after listening, including viewing images on the topic? Read: How to survive an airplane crash?
Episode 2

How do airplanes brake? James and Sky explain it in this episode.
Want to see images of the braking systems after listening? Read: How do planes stop? 3 brake systems explained.
Episode 3

An important phrase over the intercom: 'arm slides.' James and Sky have plenty to tell you about this. Listen here:
Do you prefer reading this blog article in detail? Click here and start reading.
Episode 4

There’s more involved than you might think in getting your in-flight meal to the tray table in front of you. James and Sky start the discussion in this episode:
Would you like to see photos of the process? Read: The journey of your airplane meal: behind the scenes.
Episode 5

Ear pain on the plane. James and Sky hate it—do you? They explain the concept in this episode:
James and Sky based this discussion on this blog article: The golden tip to avoid ear pain during flight.